Empower Web-app users with advanced self-serve functionality

In our pursuit of Product-Led Growth, I transformed a cumbersome manual customer support process into a self-service assistant in the Provenance web application.

Role & Results: I managed and executed the end-to-end design process, including user research, wireframing, user testing, with some team input on UI design, user story mapping, and requirements setting by Product Manager, UI Designer, and Software engineer

The Context

To address challenges with Provenance's "Recyclable Packaging" Proof Point, popular but logistically complex, we aimed to automate processes and reduce reliance on customer support.

Strategic Fit

As a Product-led SaaS company, we sought to enhance software scalability and decrease dependency on manual customer support tasks, aligning with our growth objectives.


Our goal was to replace non-scalable customer support tasks with self-serve software features, reducing customer frustration, boosting platform usage, and freeing up our support team.

The Discovery & Design Process

Assumption Mapping

To understand the problem in more detail, I listed all our assumptions, organised them from low to high importance, and known to unknown and devise experiments for the most important and unknown assumptions.

Customer Research

I selected the risky and unknown assumptions and wrote up a user research plan to increase our confidence in those.

Interviews with customers that recently had the problem helped us gain confidence in existing assumptions, as well as add new assumptions to the map.


Once we had enough confidence in our risky assumptions, we built wireframes to generate user flows that would enable users to provide evidence for Proof Points in the web app.

User Testing

Walking through wireframes with users allowed me to improve the UX and UI and increase confidence in our design before committing to build.

Refining and Delivery

After a few more iterations according to user insights, we built the hi-fi UI, created a user story board to split the work into manageable engineering tickets across a few sprints, and collaborated with engineering to build the functionality.

Feature Walkthrough

Project Details

This is a live feature of the Provenance Platform. My responsibility was to lead on the discovery (Alignment, Research, Ideation) and manage the design (Creation, Validation, Refinement) stages of this feature. Apart from me, there was a Product Manager involved, who guided on business requirements, and provided feedback to proposed solutions; a UI designer who translated my wireframes into hi-fi UI screens; and an engineer who advised on feasibility throughout the full process and built the feature once it was validated.